Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Secret Doctrine
Helena P. Blavatsky

1 "The One gives life to the whole Kosmos."

2 "Every monad reflects every other. Every monad is a living mirror of the Universe within its own sphere."

3 "From the One Life formless and uncreate, proceeds the Universe of lives."

4 "The whole world has been pervaded by the energy of the deity." Vishnu Purana

5 "The radical unity of the ultimate essence of each constituent part of compounds in Nature – from Star to mineral to Atom, from the highest to the smallest, in the fullest acceptation of the term, and whether applied to the spiritual, intellectual, or physical worlds – this is the one fundamental law."

6 "There is but One Universal Element, which is infinite, unborn, and undying, and all the rest – as in the world of phenomena – are but so many various differentiated aspects and transformations of that One, from cosmical down to microcosmical effects, from super-human to human and sub-human beings, the totality, in short, of objective existence."

7 "All things and all living beings have originated from one common source."

8 "The opposite poles…are but aspects of the One Unity in which they are synthesized."

9 "The one divine Principle, the nameless That of the Vedas, is the universal Total."

10 "The one Life is eternal, invisible, yet Omnipresent, without beginning or end."

11 "Brahma IS this universe itself."

12 "The spirit of Nature is a unity, creating and forming everything." Johannes Tritheim, Abbot of Spanheim and Kabalist

13 "The unity and mutual relations of all parts of Kosmos were known to the ancients, before they became evident to modern astronomers and philosophers."

14 "The Circle is the Thought; the diameter (or the line) is the Word; and their union is Life."

15 "God is the Architect of the Universe."

16 "Brahma and the universe form one Being, each particle of which is in its essence Brahma himself, who proceeded out of himself."

17 "The manifested Universe reflects itself in each of its Monads, as Leibnitz put it."

18 "The Eternal Mind diffused through all the parts of nature actuates the whole stupendous frame and mingles with the vast body of the universe." Virgil

19 "Nature implants in man as well as in every beast a passionate, inherent, and instinctive desire for freedom and self-guidance."

20 "God (the Universal Spirit) objectivises himself as Nature, and again rises out of it." Hegel

21 "One is the One and All."

22 "Every speck and atom are in harmony with their fellow atoms, and these with the whole."

23 "There is one eternal Law in nature, one that always tends to adjust contraries and to produce final harmony."

24 "A body may be considered divorced from its relations with other bodies…only conceptually. In fact, it can never be so detached: death itself being unable to detach it from its relation with the Univbersal forces, of which the one Force of Life is the synthesis."

25 "There are no ancient symbols without a deep and philosophical meaning attached to them."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite