Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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"The sign of life is in the symbolism; the life itself is in the grace behind the symbolism."
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"There is much to be gained by the study of mystic symbolism, in which we find everywhere a disguised humanity. It is a catholic [universal] illustration of the truth that there is but one vase and one matter."
3 |
"We are dwelling already in that love which is wedded to its source in God."
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"'It is love which makes the world go round', says an old, familiar adage…the truth of all is behind it."
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"God [is] All in all for all that lives and has its being in Him."
6 |
"If it be asked what is the test of knowledge concerning Divine Will, there is one answer only, namely, that it becomes known in love."
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"Begin where one may in the universe, all roads lead ultimately to God."
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"Let us think…of the oneness to which all our nature testifies."
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"Everything that exists is the outward sign of an inward intent of God."
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"The centre of grace is everywhere and the circumference nowhere."
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"Knowledge is an inward state of our own essential being."
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"The years of spiritual life on earth are as certain moons following conception, during which the form of divine desire is developed within us; and in due season we shall issue forth to see with our own eyes that which all things now foreshadow, all faiths make evident."
13 |
"Our true self is a mirror which contains all things."
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"The love of goodness is the first experience of the natural man, and all spiritual advancement is an extension of the soul's journey through its great distance."
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"He Who is everywhere, without change or shadow of vicissitude, is never absent."
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"Nature is itself a mirror, wherein we behold ourselves."
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"Consciousness in eternal love is the state in which God is All in all."
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"Humanity ends where it began also, in the Divinity which is its home."
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"God must be the Father of the soul before the soul can become, in a profound symbolical and mystical sense, the Mother of God."
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"Goodwill abides at the centre. This centre... is everywhere, and is hence, in a certain sense, to be found in all."
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"We are parts of a whole, and the whole must draw us as soon as we open our doors: this is grace working upon and within us."