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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Benedict Spinoza
Translated by W. H. White and A. H. Stirling, with an introduction by Don Garrett

1 "Clear and distinct knowledge begets a love towards an immutable and eternal object, of which we are really partakers; a love therefore which cannot be vitiated by the defects which are in common love, but which can always become greater and greater, occupy the largest part of the mind and thoroughly affect it." Benedict Spinoza

2 "All things, I say, are in God, and everything which takes place takes place by the laws alone of the infinite nature of God."

3 "Spinoza recognized only one substanc, God, and regarded extension and thought (and infinitely many unknown attributes as well) as all attributes of the one substance." Don Garrett, Introduction

4 "There is no proportionate part, nor part at all which differs from the whole." Giordano Bruno, 'De la Causa', Dialogue 5

5 "God is one, that is to say, in nature there is but one substance."

6 "God is the immanent cause of all things." Proposition 18

7 "Only one substance exists, and it is absolutely infinite."

8 "God, or in other words, a Supreme Being, exists perfectly just and merciful, that is to say, a pattern of the true life….He is one….He is omnipresent." Benedict Spinoza

9 "Everything which we apprehend in the Universe, since it has that which is all in all in itself, embraces in its own way the whole world-soul, which is in every part of the same completely." Giordano Bruno, 'De la Causa', Dialogue 5

10 "We see that we depend on that which is most Perfect, so that we are a part of the Whole – that is to say, of Him – and contribute that which is ours to the accomplishment of so many admirably arranged and perfect works dependent on Him." Benedict Spinoza, 'Short Treatise'

11 "Whatever is, is in God, and nothing can either be or be conceived without God."

12 "Virtue is nothing but action according to the laws of our own nature, and is the effort to preserve our being….virtue is understanding." W. H. White, Translator

13 "Everything really subsists in a single thing, which is God Himself." Benedict Spinoza, 'Short Treatise'

14 "Granted that there are countless individuals, at last is everything one, and the recognition of this unity forms the goal and end of all philosophy and natural research." Giordano Bruno, 'De la Causa', Dialogue 4

15 "The mind understands itself better the more it understands Nature." Translator's Preface

16 "The human mind is a part of the infinite intellect of God." Benedict Spinoza

17 "The universe is one, infinite…There is no proportionate part, nor part at all, which differs from the whole." Giordano Bruno, 'De la Causa', Dialogue 5

18 "God's Idea, from which infinite numbers of things follow in infinite ways, can be one only." 'Nature and the Origin of the Mind', Proposition 4

19 "The wider our knowledge of nature, the better we know ourselves." W. H. White, Translator

20 "Laws, when we live under the reign of the love of God, cease to be laws. They are eternal truths." W. H. White, Translator

21 "Modern physical theories construe the entire universe as a single space-time entity that is not composed of discrete spatial parts but rather gives rise to ordinary things as local modifications of fields within it." Don Garrett, Introduction

22 "Besides God, no substance can be nor can be conceived." Proposition 14

23 "We cannot know anything of nature without increasing our knowledge of the first cause, or of God." Benedict Spinoza, 'Short Treatise'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite