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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Basic Theosophy
Geoffrey Hodson

1 "We are all one…..There are no 'others'."

2 "The evolution to ever greater heights is the ultimate destiny of man, 'the one far-off divine event, to which the whole creation moves' (Tennyson, 'In Memoriam')."

3 "What part should man play in the scheme of things? Selfless collaboration with the evolutionary plan."

4 "We live in God. That's what we breathe."

5 "All the 'organs' or parts of this Macrocosm, though apparently separated in space and plane of manifestation, are in fact harmoniously interrelated and interacting."

6 "Each individual Soul is unified with the World-Soul, the all-pervading divine consciousness."

7 "All are one. Minerals, plants, animals, men, supermen, angels, archangels, worlds, suns, stars and galaxies – all are one, inseparably united……This is the sublime truth, the Master fact – all are one."

8 "Man is indeed a mystery, since he contains germinally within himself all his Creator's manifested attributes and powers and, in addition, those which will continue to become manifest throughout unending ages."

9 "There is but one divine Will, one divine Life, and one divine Intelligence."

10 "By kindness alone can man ratify the fact of the unity of Life."

11 "The Adept-to-be is in us now. 'Ye are Gods.' (John X:34). 'Christ in you.' (Col. I:27). 'Look within: thou ART Buddha'."

12 "For an increasing number of people, the Inner Voice grows stronger, more insistent, calling: 'One life in all'."

13 "All things are located everywhere. Everything is all, and all is each thing; infinite splendour is radiated around. Everything is great, for even the small is great." Plotinus

14 "Ultimately, the message of the Unity of Life will be recognised as a divine instruction, as impelling summons, an irresistible command. When this time comes there will be health for mankind and peace upon Earth."

15 "Send out affection to all – flooding every living creature with the power of love."

16 "Despite its denial by man, the fact of oneness remains. From that unity, that one Source, is derived the God-Self of man, the Inner Ruler Immortal. From and through that Immortal Self, Power from the One Source is flowing."

17 "One Life nourishes, sustains and unites all parts and all beings."

18 "Unfoldment from less to more and reharmonization operate irresistibly upon man, as upon all else that exists. Man can delay or hasten, but he cannot ultimately frustrate these two functions of the Cosmic Will."

19 "Oneness is the supreme truth."

20 "In very truth, recognition and ratification in conduct of the fact of the oneness of all life is the panacea."

21 "God and man are one and indivisible throughout all eternity. This is the one supreme truth taught in all Mystery Schools and in all religions."

22 "Within-ness and without-ness use both infinite, but also one."

23 "Spiritual awakening in mankind is as natural as is the appearance of bud and flower in the plant."

24 "The true citizen of the New Age will let compassion control even the details of daily life. He will shrink from harming anything that breathes because he will accept the Law of Kinship of all that lives."

25 "In diverse forms a common soul we see." G. Matheson

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite