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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Ecstatic Journey, The Transforming Power of Mystical Experience
Sophy Burnham

1 "The Divine Mother revealed to me that…it was she who had become everything…that everything was full of consciousness. The image was consciousness, the altar was consciousness…the door-sills were consciousness… I found everything in the room soaked as it were in bliss – the bliss of God… That was why I fed a cat with the food that was to be offered to the Divine Mother. I clearly perceived that all this WAS the Divine Mother – even the cat." Sri Ramakrishna, 19th century Hindu saint

2 "The son of Pandu (Arjuna) beheld the entire universe in all its multitudinous diversity, lodged as one being within the body of the God of gods." Bhagavad Gita 11:11

3 "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is." Albert Einstein

4 "This urge to see God must run deep in us. 'What I have been striving and pining to achieve these thirty years', wrote Mahatma Gandhi, 'is to see God face to face.'"

5 "All creation is perfect and is most perfectly composed of love."

6 "It's all one single water from the ocean of God's holy love."

7 "All types of meditation…lead to the same golden center, for at the mystical level all religions have more in common than they differ, and all derive from the same source and long for the same goal."

8 "If you love a being for his beauty you love none other than God, for he is the Beautiful Being." Ibn Al-Arabi

9 "All is divine, every atom, every particle of light, singing wildly in its joy….Everything is alive with praise!"

10 "I saw that everything was perfect, and all was composed of love."

11 "All living forms – an angel created, witnessed, gone; a dog, a horse, a tree, an old man or a little child, births and deaths, creation and dissolution, the rivers and the ocean beds, Christ and Krishna, volcanos and earthquakes, an absence and a fullness, saints and devils – All are composed of the fire of love. God taking form."

12 "Woudst thou know my meaning? Lie down in the Fire….See and taste the flowing godhead through thy being." Mechtild of Magdeburg

13 "I have come around full circle and think I didn't need to look for God; He was staring me in the face….I was looking everywhere but in the right place. The face of God. It swims in the heat of a summer day. It glistens in the icy rainbows glittering off the frozen limbs of winter trees. In the rain. In the sky. In a clod of dirt."

14 "God is what life is." Leo Tolstoy

15 "Our loving is itself an expression of the Source."

16 "God comes to us in a thousand different forms, each one perfectly adapted to the individual."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite