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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Handbook for the Heart, Original Writings on Love
Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield, editors
Authors contributing to this book include Deepak Chopra, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Marianne Williamson, Joan Borysenko, Andrew Weil, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Ram Dass, and many more.

1 "Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we're so deeply interconnected with one another." Ram Dass, 'Being Love'

2 "As Saint Francis said, 'It's time to love instead of looking to be loved.' If we love, we'll be more loved than we ever imagined. Nothing is more sublime than an open heart." Stephen and Ondrea Levine, authors and teachers, 'The Heart Is Always Open'

3 "God is the river of light in which we all bathe. This brilliance flows through the core of every living thing." Hugh and Gayle Prather, 'God is Love'

4 "Living in fear is like being frozen. It's said that the Buddha taught love – particularly 'metta', loving-kindness – as antidote to fear." Sharon Salzberg, Buddhist teacher, 'The Power of Loving-Kindness'

5 "Love is there – always. It lives as we live. This is the essence that gives breath to our bodies and to our souls. This is the breath of God. It infuses each of us with life and purpose." Benjamin Shield, Ph.D., 'The Birthright of Our Heart'

6 "At any given moment, everything we need is there. All the lessons are there. All the love we need is there. We don't have to look outside ourselves; the source is within and always present, always there." Andrew Weil, M.D., 'A Loving Prescription'

7 "Love is the experiential knowledge that we are al the same being: we are all one." Deepak Chopra, M.D., 'Heart Sounds'

8 "Love is the force, the energy that animates creativity and peace in each one of us. And on the collective level, when we center ourselves and bring love into our being, we engage in the historical process, in purposeful evolution." James and Salle Merrill Redfield, 'Listening for Love'

9 "Individuals can affect the world by becoming a model or an example in their small circle of influence. Just as a rock thrown into a pond causes ripples to gradually keep going out until eventually they are very small, so our acts influence the ecology of the entire human race…..We are all part of one another and so, interwoven; it's a kind of divine architectural ecology that encompasses us all and cannot be violated." Stephen R. Covey, Ph.D., 'Love Enough For All'

10 "Our own individual actions are extremely important because we are all part of this larger matrix, a global web. Our own acts of love build energy that we can all draw upon. Even a little bit of love on our part can create an important foundation for future generations to build upon." James and Salle Merrill Redfield, 'Listening for Love'

11 "We are inherently connected with all other beings on this planet. Within nature, we are all interrelated, inexplicably linked together to form the miraculous whole called earth. This awareness enables us to fulfill our destinies within the human collective – while contributing our uniqueness to the healing of the world." Helen Hunt, M.A., 'Living from the Heart'

12 "It is the heart force that brings all life, that creates all life, that moves through us. It is never too late to touch this fountain. So take time to listen, to allow that wellspring to be known in your own life." Jack Kornfield, Buddhist teacher, 'The Wellspring of the Heart'

13 "We're here to learn to love more fully, to be God or angels in disguise for one another, to show our love, to show our compassion, to be active in creation. That is the reason and the meaning behind our lives. Each of us has a choice about how to love the world in our unique way." Bernie Siegel, M.D., 'Heart Lessons'

14 "In essence, all human beings are identical. We are all part of One; we are One." Erich Fromm, 'The Art of Loving'

15 "Ultimately, whatever we're doing in life, we do because we are seeking love. Love is God. It is the experience of the sacred. Everything we do, we do for love." Deepak Chopra, M.D., 'Heart Sounds'

16 "Love – giving and receiving from the heart – involves compassion, stillness, gratitude, peace, intimacy and relationship with others, and service." Benjamin Shield

17 "God Is oneness….God is our shared heart and mind….those who see their oneness with just one other living thing cannot fail to see God." Hugh and Gayle Prather', 'God is Love'

18 "The more a person focuses on loving, the stronger the ability to love becomes." Barry Neil Kaufman, author, lecturer and teacher, 'The Best-Kept Secret'

19 "It is easy, so easy, to get distracted and say, 'Oh, my God, look at all the bad that's happening in the world.' But we can't give in to that notion; we have to keep our focus on the love. There does seem to be a newfound acceptance in the idea of a critical mass, a definite change in the collective psyche of the world, as more and more people make love a priority. Real change is happening. By giving love, always love, we can continue to influence what happens in the rest of the world. If enough of us embrace love, the world will eventually be saturated with love. The love in the world begins with the love within ourselves." Deepak Chopra, M.D., 'Heart Sounds'

20 "This mysterious quality of love is all around us, as real as gravity." Jack Kornfield, Buddhist teacher, 'The Wellspring of the Heart'

21 "Our lives may move between joy and disappointment, but the love within us never diminishes. We can ignore, hinder, and even deny this love – but we cannot destroy it. We can forget love, but love does not forget us." Benjamin Shield, Ph.D., 'The Birthright of Our Heart'

22 "We are all a part of this large, worldwide human family here on earth. As with ripples in a pond, all we do affects not only those immediately in our lives, but all other life on earth." Helen Hunt, M.A., 'Living from the Heart'

23 "If you start bringing love into your life, consciously and deliberately filling your life with love, you begin to see miracles all around you. Your life becomes an expression of love, and you see things you never thought possible happening in both your inner and your outer life. If you strive to give love, all else begins to come to you." Deepak Chopra, M.D., 'Heart Sounds'

24 "The great teachings of the ages apply as much to the experience of this culture at this time as they do to any culture at any other time. The heart lives in an eternal realm." Marianne Williamson, 'Heartwork'

25 "I believe that everyone, with absolutely no exceptions, can give love and that one single loving person changes the world." Barry Neil Kaufman, author, lecturer and teacher, 'The Best-Kept Secret'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite