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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Alexandrian Christianity
John E. L. Oulton, editor
Selected translations of Clement and Origen

1 "All mankind are the work of one Will." Clement of Alexandria, 'On Spiritual Perfection'

2 "By the Lord of the universe all things are ordered both generally and particularly with a view to the safety of the whole." Clement of Alexandria, 'On Spiritual Perfection'

3 "Above all things, the soul of the just man is an image divine, made like to God himself." Clement of Alexandria, 'On Spiritual Perfection'

4 "This is the law from the beginning, that he who would have virtue must choose it." Clement of Alexandria, 'On Spiritual Perfection'

5 "Each act of free will is adapted to such an arrangement of the whole as the settled order of the universe demands." Origen, 'On Prayer'

6 "God made all things to be helpful for virtue." Clement of Alexandria, 'On Spiritual Perfection'

7 "The maxim 'Know thyself' means to know for what purpose we are made." Clement of Alexandria, 'On Spiritual Perfection'

8 "It is our rule to begin by cleansing our souls from bad opinions by means of right reason." Clement of Alexandria, 'On Spiritual Perfection'

9 "All things in the world are ordered for the best." Clement of Alexandria, 'On Spiritual Perfection'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite