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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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WHEE! We, wee All the Way Home
Matthew Fox
Fox brings together in this book the best mystical traditions of the past with the consciousness of modern society to create a spiritual vision for the future.

1 "The trail to God is also a journey with God."

2 "The healthy soul, whether a man's, a woman's, or a culture's, is equally male and female, as Jung insisted: the Yin and the Yang; the animus and the anima; the male and the female; the sun and the moon – these elements of our psyches are meant to work together within each of us, not at odds."

3 "God is, simply, everywhere….God is truly Emmanuel, God-with-us."

4 "God thinks wholly, God thinks unity, not division, for all – not just a piece – of creation is present to the Creator. And present NOW."

5 "An overflow – an extreme case of love – seems the most real explanation for there being creation at all."

6 "God, in her care and compassion, handles humankind with the touch of a caring parent."

7 "God is intimately in mountains and the sea, sunshine and the human personality, sexual activity and music, painting and good food. To know these things is to know their omnipresent Creator. The Giver is present in his gifts in an extraordinary way, an intimate way."

8 "True morality is concerned with the 'weightier things of the law – justice, integrity and mercy.' True morality is about justice, which implies the distribution of creation's pleasures."

9 "The Creator remembers her creation – remembers as a constant participant in it. The Creator cherishes creation. As vivifier and breather and sustainer and beauty-maker – that is, as a lover remembers her beloved."

10 "God has shared the divinity with the littlest among us. That is spiritual democracy. And to internalize it (make it our own), to reflect on it, and to live with it, learning to breathe the truth of it – this will make new people of us. A people truly rooted in the spiritual attitude of sharing. Of democracy. Of becoming like God. Of appreciating the We."

11 "We ARE the sea; we ARE a part of the stars; we ARE of the earth."

12 "God is everybody's experience."

13 "Prayer, psychologically speaking, is the release of God from our unconscious or our depths so as to permeate our consciousness."

14 "To know creation is to know the Creator."

15 "Healing processes are built into all that lives, from plant to animal to man and woman."

16 "All persons are capable of profound participation with God."

17 "Every human person is a bearer of ecstacy and, therefore, of God."

18 "God is present in every flower, every person, every blade of grass and every note in a song – to recover the certitude of this is to experience God."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite