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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Bhagavad-Gita As It Is
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

1 "Everyone has some relationship with the Lord....Each of the millions upon millions of living beings has its particular relationship. By the process of service one can revive one's original status with the Lord."

2 "To pray to God when he is in difficulty is a natural instinct in every living being because he is eternally related with God."

3 "From Brahman...on down to the smallest ant, all entities are existing because the Supreme Lord has entered and is sustaining each."

4 "That Supreme Personality of Godhead is, by His plenary portions, alive in the heart of every living entity."

5 "Everything in the material world has a certain flavor or fragrance, like the flavor and fragrance in a flower, or in the earth, water, fire or air. The uncontaminated flavor, the original flavor which permeates everything, is Krsna [Krishna]....Krsna consciousness is active in every sphere."

6 "Although the Supersoul appears to be divided, He is never divided. He is situated as one." Bhagavad Gita, ch. 13, v. 17

7 "The ultimate goal of life is self-realization."

8 "He [the Supersoul] is situated in everyone's heart."

9 "One can understand the nature of the Supreme by thorough study of oneself, the difference between oneself and the Supreme Being understood as the relationship between the part and the whole."

10 "There is no exception to service in the society of living beings....In fact, no living being is exempted from rendering service to others. Service is a constant companion of the living being, and so we may conclude that rendering service is the eternal religion of the eternal living entity."

11 "The mind should be devoid of duplicity and should think of the welfare of all."

12 "Living entities are fragmental parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord - eternally."

13 "No one is able to destroy the imperishable soul." Bhagavad Gita, ch. 2, v. 17

14 "The Supreme Lord is the Soul of all souls."

15 "Every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and as such every living entity is intended to serve the Supreme Lord by his own constitution."

16 "Vishnu is one, and yet He is certainly all-pervading. By His inconceivable potency, in spite of His one form, He is present everywhere." The Vedas

17 "Oneness means not that they [living entities] have no individuality, but that there is no disunity. They are all agreeable to the purpose of the Lord."

18 "All the manifold manifestations of wonderful things are going on by the simple supreme will of God, and all of them are subordinate to that supreme will."

19 "One who sees the Supersoul in every living being and equal everywhere does not degrade himself by his mind. Thus he approaches the transcendental destination." Bhagavad Gita, ch. 13, v. 29

20 "The omnipresent. We should know Him always, twenty-four hours a day."

21 "The universe is the cosmic form of the Supreme Lord." Bhagavad Gita, ch. 8, v. 4

22 "The knowledge of one who sees in every living entity one undivided spiritual nature, which is divided into innumerable forms, should be understood to be in the mode of goodness." Bhagavad Gita, ch. 18, v. 20

23 "The Lord Himself has entered into these worlds and is maintaining them."

24 "Fear is due to one's absorption in illusory energy, but when one is free from illusory energy...then he has nothing to fear."

25 "This is the secret of Krsna [Krishna] consciousness - realization that there is no other existence besides Krsna is the platform of peace and fearlessness."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite