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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Spiritual Genius, The Mastery of Life's Meaning
Winifred Gallagher
The author interviews several people who are spiritual geniuses, those who are masters of Life's meaning and how to express this in their life experiences.

1 "I believe people are sacramental – the means by which God communicates God's nature to us." Dr. Tony Campolo, American Baptist minister

2 "Spiritual genius is the uniquely human ability to seek life's meaning. It's the voice inside us that keeps asking What's it all about? Who am I? How can I make a difference? This inclination to wonder why we exist is not rarefied, but a basic human trait… We're born with a craving to know our larger purpose."

3 "Plotinus speaks of the One as 'that fountain always on'." Huston Smith

4 "I do think we're all connected. When a part of society does something special, there are ripples." Rosalie Bertell, Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart

5 "Despite the chaos and confusion around us, everything is all right."

6 "The awareness that comes out of prayer and the stillness of listening to the Spirit is releasing an energy for a new beginning. For now, we're in that place where we're groaning with all creation to be born anew." Bette Edl, American Franciscan hermit

7 "When you talk about God, you're talking about what connects everything to everything else." Rabbi Lawrence Kushner

8 "God is mysteriously the source of our true self." Rabbi Lawrence Kushner

9 "All religions have forms of mysticism which emphasize direct awareness of and communion with the sacred. Hindu samadhi and Zen satori, Jewish devekut and Christian unio mystico, all describe intense consciousness of ultimate reality's underlying unity and goodness."

10 "We're all cast in the divine image, whether we're Eskimos or Hottentots, so we're more alike than otherwise." Huston Smith

11 "The Christian 'unio mystico', Jewish 'devekut', Muslin 'fana', Hindu 'samadhi', and Zen 'Kensho' manifest the same intense consciousness of ultimate reality's underlying unity and goodness."

12 "We can choose to develop awareness,…. which allows us to be responsible agents instead of helpless victims." Tenzin Palmo, English Buddhist nun

13 "I understand God in terms of love, compassion, justice. The Qur'an says everything in the world has been created for a just purpose." Riffat Hassan, Muslim Feminist teacher

14 "God loves us a billion times more than a mother! Far beyond anything we can experience in our minds and intellects!" Karunamayi, Hindu spiritual mother

15 "God is the self of the universe, so in finding your true inner self, you find God." Rabbi Lawrence Kushner

16 "The sacred isn't just 'up there' or in some afterlife but down here, right now."

17 "Pure consciousness, called the universal Self, is all that exists."

18 "There's only oneness." Karunamayi, Hindu spiritual mother

19 "We're each part of something that's much bigger and better than what meets the eye, and if we keep that in mind, our hearts will be in the right place. Life will be all right, because its ups and downs will be seen as what they are – threads in a great fabric whose beauty depends on bright and dark colors."

20 "Physics, biology, and other sciences increasingly reveal a complementary picture of the universe as a vast web of interrelationships."

21 "Once a person truly awakens to the hidden holiness that underlies and unifies creation, his or her inevitable behavioral response is goodness, or treating others as the 'self' that all share."

22 "Pray to make your question clearer, then the answer will come." Bette Edl, American Franciscan hermit

23 "Because we have free will, we can choose to behave in ways that either enhance or hinder the movement of creation toward perfect completion in the divine."

24 "Everything a person does affects all being." Rabbi Lawrence Kushner

25 "God doesn't just hear our prayers but prays them through us as well. There's a huge transformation when you forget your self and realize that your hands and eyes are God's. Once you're with, or the same as, God, you aren't praying for your own needs, because you have none." Rabbi Lawrence Kushner

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite