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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Teachings of the Christian Mystics
Andrew Harvey, Editor
This anthology confronts us with the mystics in their own words, to show us how well they serve, even now, as guides for the spiritual life. the selections represent all eras of the Christian tradition.

1 "Christ came not to found a new religion or to inaugurate a new set of dogmas but to open up a fierce and shattering new path of love-in-action."

2 "Again and again, Christ, in his teachings and by his example, made it clear that the only authentic sign of spiritual wisdom is a progress in the kind of ego-annihilating humility that longs to express itself in the ever-greater and richer service of all beings."

3 "That infinite love that is God himself reigns in the purity of our spirit like the glow of burning coals." John Ruysbroeck

4 "Just as the sun in the heavens pervades and enlightens all the world with its rays and makes it fruitful, so too does God's resplendence as it reigns in the topmost part of our mind, for upon all our powers it sheds its bright, brilliant rays, namely its divine gifts: knowledge, wisdom, clear understanding, and a rational, discerning insight into all the virtues. It is in this way that the kingdom of God in our soul is adorned." John Ruysbroeck

5 "The Unity is ever drawing to itself and inviting to itself everything that has been born of it." John Ruysbroeck

6 "I must then love out what I am; what Love counsels my spirit, in this is my being: for this reason I will do my best." Hadewijch of Antwerp

7 "What is a charitable heart? It is a heart that is burning with charity for the whole of creation, for men, for the birds, for the beasts,… for all creatures." St. Isaac the Syrian

8 "God's activity runs through the entire universe. It wells up around and penetrates every created being. Wherever they are, it is there also. It runs ahead of them, it stays with them, and it follows after them." Jean Pierre deCaussade

9 "No mystical training is authentic unless it results in a total commitment to other beings and to the service of justice and compassion in all forms in the creation."

10 "What is needed is the flaming-out, on a global scale, of the unstoppable force of Divine-human love, wise enough to stay in permanent humble contact with the Divine, and brave enough to call for, risk, and implement change at every level in every arena….. Such a love has to spring from an awakened mystical consciousness, and must be rooted in habits of fervent meditation, adoration of the Divine, and prayer; for only then will it be illuminated enough to act at all times with healing courage."

11 "The mercy of God will not allow the wound to fester. The mercy of God takes historical forms, is made concrete in deeds that transform the interplay of forces." Leonardo Boff

12 "The truth is that the authentic Christian tradition, and Christ's teaching itself, is everywhere saturated with the healing and life-affirming truths of the sacred feminine, and with its wisdom of sensitivity, tenderness, and honoring of all life."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite