Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Jose and Miriam Arguelles
Deals comprehensively with the mandala, as a universal principle, a vision, a way of growth, a ritual technique, and an essential life process.

1 "The mandala is, above all, a map of the cosmos. It is the whole universe in its essential plan, in its process of emanation and of reabsorption…..the universe not only in its inert spatial expanse, but as temporal revolution and both as a vital process which develops from an essential principle and rotates round a central axis." G. Tucci

2 "The Mandala is the Mother of symbols."

3 "To be integrated, to be made whole, means to be able to maintain contact with one's center."

4 "The world and its inhabitants are integral facets of one Mandala."

5 "In a world that is split, divided by the 'Civil War of Man', healing is needed to make whole. Mandala is a whole-ing technique; it is the alchemy of opposites reuniting, a blueprint that can be placed upon anything, or any man or being."

6 "The center principle manifests itself through man in the same ways as it does through a flower or a star; in it we may discover our cosmic commonality – our cosmic community."

7 "The Mandala is infinite, as are the capacities of the individual."

8 "The circle is the original sign, the prime symbol of the nothing and the all; the symbol of heaven and the solar eye, the all-encompassing form beyond and through which man finds and loses himself."

9 "It is the Mandala that can burst the fetters of man's internal bondage and conflict by leading him to a viewpoint from which the various polarities may be harmonized."

10 "Universally inherent in man's consciousness, the Mandala has continually appeared in his constructions, rituals and art forms."

11 "Laurette Sejourne speaks of the Law of the Center which 'prevents the splitting asunder of opposing forces.' Cycles, whether pertaining to life and death, space and time, visible and invisible forces, are held together in concentric patterns. Understanding the Law of the Center as a basic principle of nature, men have been able to construct vast systems, and to perceive various levels of order throughout the universe."

12 "Sacred consciousness, of which the Mandala is a structural model, conforms to the Hermetic statement, 'God is an intelligent sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.'"

13 "All cycles of experience are interlinked and are the expression of one immutable law."

14 "Sorrow is only a transition between ignorance and illumination. Underlying even the basest acts and forms is the redeeming flow of an eternally self-transformative energy."

15 "The Mandala was developed as a reminder of the direct perception of reality."

16 "The holistic perception of alchemy relates directly to the Mandala. Many alchemical charts take on a Mandala form in revealing the integral interrelationships between the elements and qualities of nature. Alchemy also defines the proceses of consciousness as an on-going state of integral awareness."

17 "If man can mandalize himself, there will be a resulting deployment of now unused energies within his bio-organic structutre. It is these energies which will be most instrumental in creating a radiant – radiating from multiple centers – planetary sphere."

18 "From whichever point a Mandala is entered, a path opens that leads to the eternal center."

19 "The center is the nameless, the most supreme, the oldest, yet is ever-present and continually pours forth its energy – it is self-renewing."

20 "In the Beginning was the Center: the center of the mind of God, the eternal Creator, the Dream of Brahman, the galaxies that swirl beyond the lenses of our great telescopes. In all of these the center is one, and in the center lies eternity."

21 "Go to the center and know the Whole. Follow this path."

22 "Could men see clearly – as the seers have always seen – experience would be apprehended as an organic whole, continually proceeding from and returning to the one source – the center of being."

23 "The Mandala is a module exhibiting principles of organicity: interrelationship of parts, interdependence of systems, resonance and synchronicity."

24 "Everything in nature is a blend of these two forces [yang and yin]. What is demanded is a holistic point of view so that an over-identification with either one of the terms is avoided. The light implies the dark, the male, the female – there is no absolute separation, for both create the whole…Within the whole which they comprise, the alternation of these two forces create the processes of nature and the entire universe, visible and invisible."

25 "Through contemplating his very form and the nature of his existence, man has often found a correspondence or series of correspondences to the workings of the cosmos as a whole – the macrocosm….If man conceives of himself as a microcosm, his way of life and community also take on the character of a cosmic order. Inherent in this idea is an intuition of the basic harmony of the universe and of man's desire to realize himself accordingly."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite