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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul
Caroline Myss
Using St. Teresa of Avila's imagery of the Soul as an interior castle, the author guides us from room to room of this inner castle, preparing us for the ultimate encounter with God and our own divinity.

1 "This infinite and eternal self is the home of spirit in you and in each and every sentient being."

2 "The world is not in the hands of greedy politicians or terrorists or corporate moguls or fundamentalists praying for Armageddon. The world is in the hands of God."

3 "We cannot stop our longing for the quest for a deeper spiritual experience, because the attraction to the divine is the most basic force of our lives. Kahlil Gibran called it 'life's longing for itself.'"

4 "The divine self is one with the all, given in grace and sealed in glory." Ken Wilber, Foreword

5 "I believe that the divine is everywhere and exists within even the most intimate details of our lives."

6 "The choices you make are always and only motivated by either faith or fear."

7 "You are never without divine guidance; you are never outside the orbit of divine sight."

8 "You have a biological and spiritual need to experience the awe of the sacred."

9 "You are connected to the love that binds the collective soul of humanity."

10 "The soul is essentially a vessel of love."

11 "When you wait in faith, all will be provided. And yes, it is difficult…and yes, it is splendid."

12 "Within the interior of your soul, God is present."

13 "The mystics reassure us, as the Buddha taught, 'On life's journey, faith is nourishment and virtuous deeds a shelter.'"

14 "The divine comprises the collective soul of humanity and all life."

15 "Even though you may not think you see or hear him, God is always present."

16 "We have been secretly fed from beyond space and time. That's why we look for something more than this." Rumi, 'The Soul of Rumi'

17 "Spiritual sweetness flows eternally from a divine source, requiring no human engineering. The water is abundant and endlessly fills the basin – meaning you."

18 "The true self is aware of this ever-present, never-ending, eternal moment, through which all time passes." Ken Wilber, Foreword

19 "We want to touch the sacred and feel its energy, to connect to it personally and to connect to it through our purpose. The divine calls to us through places, actions, and objects, constantly seducing us."

20 "The soul is…the force of endless resurrection; the soul is like a fire that never goes out."

21 "The inner self lives in a timeless, eternal now." Ken Wilber, Foreword

22 "The true self in each and every one of us is the true self that Jesus of Nazareth realized – 'I and the Father are one.'" Ken Wilber, Foreword

23 "The divine is always present – always."

24 "Every second offers a choice either to channel grace or to withhold it."

25 "You are part of the one collective soul of all species on the planet."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite