Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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References |
1 |
"God is the Lord and the Lover, the Creator and the Nourisher, the Seed, the Promise and the Fulfillment of all forms of nature and of the Earth and of the cosmos beyond."
2 |
"We are one under the One."
3 |
"Through love we can blend with the consciousnes of a plant or with the consciousness of another human being."
4 |
"Humanity represents the stage of Earth's unfoldment at which the planetary soul becomes not only self aware but functionally and creatively conscious of the processes through which growth, awareness and the externalization of spirit through form take place."
5 |
"Man has the divine power of transcendence, of moving beyond pre-set patterns, of bridging the dimensions of form and spirit, potential and actuality, image and fulfillment."
6 |
"All things are a manifestation of intelligence and all happenings are related."
7 |
"As human beings, we can choose to see each element of creation as separate. Or we can choose to see the one life that is within them all."
8 |
"All the Earth's surface is of one family, one creation, one intelligence."
9 |
"The most sacred esoteric teachings throughout the ages have held that in understanding the inner and outer realities of nature, humanity can understand itself."
10 |
"We are all capable of bringing about what we set our minds to if it is for the good of the whole."
11 |
"Everything belongs to one world."
12 |
"You are the gardener of your own being, the seed of your destiny."
13 |
"Every creature reacts to and acts upon its environment, for all is one."
14 |
"Broader awareness comes by recognizing our oneness with all aspects of life."
15 |
"We are told to turn within, to seek God within….But this withinness is not contained in my physical body which would limit it; it is in all dimensions of space and time; it is infinite, the eternal now."
16 |
"One part of nature cannot be isolated from another, so action taken against any part sets up a chain of events that affects the whole."
17 |
"Life is ceaselessly growing, moving on, learning, rising and becoming more and more conscious."
18 |
"The power and laws of manifestation can only function best where there is love."
19 |
"Love is a firm reality which forms a bridge over which all can walk."
20 |
"All around you creation reflects the oneness of life."
21 |
"We are, in fact, all part of one thing, all different materializations of the one life."