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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Center of the Cyclone: An Autobiography of Inner Space
John C. Lilly, M.D.
A renowned scientist's experiments inside the human mind.

1 The center of the Cyclone, in the deepest analysis I have yet done, is the quiet peaceful creating meeting place for all of us, connected in the Cosmic Network of Essences."

2 "Cosmic love is ruthlessly loving: whether you like it or not it loves you, teaches you, teases you, plays with you, surprises you."

3 "To God, we are an extension of His being, little ones."

4 "Do unto others and not do unto others what you would have the others do unto you and not do unto you. The others are to include other species, other entities, other beings in this universe."

5 "The next step in the development of further evolution is the achievement of higher group consciousness….throughout the world."

6 "I love you love me, in God, we love."

7 "The One loves us."

8 "Imagine God beyond all beings, yet all beings and being itself."

9 "I am thee, thou art me, we are One. I love me, love thee, love the One."

10 "There is a guiding intelligence in the universe."

11 "We are all One, in God."

12 "As one moves more and more into one's own Essence, one suddenly discovers there is a strong connection from one's own Essence into all other Essences in the universe."

13 "The One loves All."

14 "The One is Love."

15 "Man's future lies with aware courageous informed knowledgeable experienced individuals in a loosely coupled exploratory communicating network. Such a network exists and functions beautifully with gentle effectiveness throughout this planet."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite