Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "If you go into your garden, you may feel yourself present in the divine embrace right there in the presence of a golden sunflower with a mandala for its center – the Immanence of the Transcendent in the flower." Dancing in the Flames, The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness (Marion Woodman and Elinor Dickson) | |
2 | "The energy of the central point is manifested in the almost iresistible compulsion and urge to become what one is, just as every organism is driven to assume the form that is characteristic of its nature, no matter what the circumstances." Collected Works (Carl Jung) | |
3 | "We are the countless centres of one and the same sphere." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin) | |
4 | "Act from the center – which the poet T. S. Eliot called 'the still point.'" The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightenment (Amit Goswami, Ph.D.) | |
5 | "Goodwill abides at the centre. This centre... is everywhere, and is hence, in a certain sense, to be found in all." Lamps of Western Mysticism (Arthur Edward Waite) | |
6 | "In all symbols expressive of the mystic Centre, the intention is to reveal to Man the meaning of the primordial 'paradisal state' and to teach him to identify himself with the supreme principle of the universe. This centre is in effect Aristotle's 'unmoved mover'…Hindu doctrine declares that God resides in the centre, at that point where the radii of a wheel meet at its axis. In diagrams of the cosmos, the central space is always reserved for the Creator…Among the Chinese, the infinite being is frequently symbolized as a point of light with concentric circles spreading outwards from it." A Dictionary of Symbols (J. E. Cirlot) | |
7 | "The closer one gets to realisation, the clearer becomes the concept that the point at the centre and the periphery are one." Discipleship in the New Age (Alice A. Bailey) | |
8 | "The organizing center from which the regulatory effect stems seems to be a sort of 'nuclear atom' in our psychic system. One could also call it the inventor, organizer, and source of dream images. Jung called this center the 'Self'….Throughout the ages people have been intuitively aware of the existence of such an inner center. The Greeks called it man's inner 'daimon'; in Egypt it was expressed by the concept of the 'Ba-soul'; and the Romans worshiped it as the 'genius' native to each individual. In more primitive societies it was often thought of as a protective spirit embodied within an animal or a fetish." Marie Louise vonFranz Man and His Symbols (Carl Jung) | |
9 | "In the centre of the heart dwells the true soul, the breath of God." Paracelsus, 'Liber Azoth' Collected Works (Carl Jung) | |
10 | "Each monad is to some degree the centre of the entire Cosmos, resting upon and at the same time supporting its fabric." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin) | |
11 | "To be integrated, to be made whole, means to be able to maintain contact with one's center." Mandala (Jose and Miriam Arguelles) | |
12 | "In a twelfth-century hermetic text known as 'The Book of the Twenty-Four Philosophers' there is a statement that has been quoted, through the centuries, by a number of Christian thinkers – among others, Alan of Lille (1128-1202), Nicholas Cusanus (1401-1464), Rabelais (1490?-1553), Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), and Pascal (1632-1662), as well as Voltaire (1694-1778); to wit: 'God is an intelligible sphere, whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.'" Joseph Campbell Tarot Revelations (Joseph Campbell & Richard Roberts) | |
13 | "That Jacob Boehme should obtain a glimpse into the center of nature by means of a sunbeam reflected in a tin platter is understandable." Collected Works (Carl Jung) | |
14 | "Stay at the centre of the circle and let all things take their course." Lao-Tzu Revelations: The Wisdom of the Ages (Paul Roland) | |
15 | "Self-knowledge reveals to the soul that its natural motion is not, if uninterrupted, in a straight line, but circular, as around some inner object, about a center, the point to which it owes its origin. If the soul knows this, it will move around this center from which it came, will cling to it and commune with it as indeed all souls should….for divinity consists in being attached to the center." Plotinus, 'The Good or The One' The Essential Plotinus (Translated by Elmer O'Brien, S.J.) | |
16 | "The source and center of all existence is pure spirit existing in all created things simultaneously." John Redtail Freesoul, 'The Native American Prayer Pipe: Ceremonial Object and Tool of Self-Realization' Shamanism: An Expanded View of Reality (Shirley Nicholson, Compiler) | |
17 | "Joy is the still point at the center of the dance." Finding Deep Joy (Robert Ellwood) | |
18 | "The individual who reaches out from the seemingly separated center of being can, if he will, contact the cosmic center of life. From there he may reach out to the periphery of all reality as easily as the miracle of the radiant, expanding mind of God penetrates the universe with light." Understanding Yourself: A Spiritual Approach to Self-Discovery and Soul-Awareness (Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet) | |
19 | "A great many traditions trace the creation of the World to a central point from which it is supposed to have spread out in the four cardinal directions." Myths, Dreams and Mysteries, The Encounter Between Contemporary Faiths and Archaic Realities (Mircea Eliade) | |
20 | "From what source will human individuals ultimately draw the desire to accept one another and draw one another towards joyful unity? There is only one conceivable source: a growing attraction to the centre of consciousness in which their fibres and their bundle must complete themselves by reuiniting." The Vision of the Past (Pierre Teilhard deChardin) | |
21 | "The center principle manifests itself through man in the same ways as it does through a flower or a star; in it we may discover our cosmic commonality – our cosmic community." Mandala (Jose and Miriam Arguelles) | |
22 | "All things proceed from God, who is at once the centre and the circumference from which all existing lines proceed and at which all end up." Juana Ines de la Cruz (1651-1695), Mexican nun, poet and scholar The Lion Christian Quotation Collection (Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild, compilers) | |
23 | "Traditionally, the center is the most honorable place, known to the Greeks as 'the keep of Zeus.' Protector of hearths and boundaries (centers and circumferences) and the source of moral order, Zeus dispensed judgment from the center." A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art & Science (Michael S. Schneider) | |
24 | "Every place is the center because God is an infinite, intelligible sphere – totally unlimited and undetermined. Wherever the Divine is, that is the center." The Mystic Hours, A Daybook of Interspiritual Wisdom & Devotion (Wayne Teasdale) | |
25 | "As a magnet has its magnetic field, an area within which all its forces play, larger or smaller according to its strength, so has every man a field of influence within which play the forces he emits, and these forces work in curves that return to their forthsender, that re-enter the centre whence they emerged." The Ancient Wisdom (Annie Besant) | |