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Home | About
Universal conceptual form
Aligning the vision
Evolving and coalescing
Why we do this
Ethics / governance / science
Homeostatic governance
Idealized democracy
Reconciliation and integration
Holistic view on alternatives
Definitions and alternatives
Compare alternatives
How do we know?
How meaning is created
Foundational recursive definition
Spectrum of levels
The closed loop ensemble contains all primary definitions
Dimensions of set theory
What is a number?
Topology of sets
How are they constructed?
Primary terms
Closed Loop framework
Hierarchical models
Euclid in digital space
Foundational method
Compositional semantics
How it works
The integrated science of mind
What does it mean?
Core terms
Constructive elements and building blocks
Preserving data under transformation
In the beginning
Domain and universal
A design proposal
Mapping the grid
From other sources
Foundational computation
Perfecting political balance
Simultaneity or sequence
Concrete symbolic representation
Science, philosophy and math are defined in concepts
Emerging from a point
Mind Storm
Creative elements
Themes for exploration and development - the intuitive/creative jigsaw puzzle that exceeds human bandwidth and sometimes simply requires raw brainstorming to get the dimensions on the table.
This project has been driven by "informed super-flash" -- but it's hard to hold the pieces together, and there are lots of them. So one important purpose of this database is to keep collecting facets and bringing them together in ways that get simpler and clearer as the process continues.
The Closed Loop contains all these elements and orders them in a (very) significant way
- Alignment within the common matrix
- Alignment to the whole
- Definition of "oneness" or "unity in diversity"
- Healing the collective by resonant alignment
- General theory of semantics
- Mathematics as a branch of semantics -- semantics a a construction in mathematics
- Whole systems thinking
- Balance in the whole
- Every factor, every facet, simultaneously
- Homeostasis
- Homeostatic negotiation
- The dimensional construction of word meaning
- Interdependence
- Tree
- Similarity / Difference
Rule = ruler = law=boundary = boundary values = limits = stay within limits = limits
Every value defined by boundaries -- lowest and highest value by approximation or round-off error or acceptable error tolerance
This is true for all measurement
and all semantic definition
The Christic force
- An interval is a bounded range in some dimension
- All numbers are intervals
- All values are intervals
- All levels are intervals
- The rule is composed of intervals
- A matrix cell is an interval in X and Y - the intersection of a row and column that contains "something"
- Numbers
- Arithmetic operations
- Dimensionality
- Matrix rows
- Matrix columns
- Matrix intersection of rows and columns -- is the Closed Loop a single matrix cell defined as the intersection of X and Y? Maybe yes? And that happens when we do the twist...(?)
Monad - the ancient vision of the philosophers
- This model carries the energy and vision of monad
- It is center-point in the context of The All
- It is a transcendental form -- it "transcends and includes"
- It is convergence
- It's branching is fractal tree - "reality as one tree"
It is self-contained
- The Closed Loop is of zero length and infinite length
- It partitions itself
- It cuts itself
- It is inherently self-contained
- All partitions arise within it
It contains and organizes and self-centers the Axis Mundi
Closed Loop as absolute container
Sketch |
Closed Loop as one matrix cell defined by twisting the strip defined as a dimension extension in X as converging into a single cell in Y
Can we plug the B-D dimension into the A-B dimension?
It can also be understood as one matrix cell because the entire dimensions of the strip A-B-C-D form one cell
Mon, May 10, 2021
Unit interval, unit square, unit circle
Placeholder |
It is all these things
Tue, Mar 30, 2021
The tree of straightness -- of course, a metaphor
Placeholder |
A perfect universal form that
- Contains all symbolic form
- Can interpret any symbolic form
- Can mediate between any symbolic forms
- Brings all contending forces into balance
"The semantic harp"
Tue, Mar 30, 2021