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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The City of God
St. Augustine

1 "Indeed, all of us together, and each one in particular, constitute God's temple, because He deigns to take for a dwelling both the community of all and the person of each individual."

2 "Everything that happens has a purpose even though the causes are hidden."

3 "As Cicero conceived it, every society should resemble a symphonic concert, in which the different notes of the instruments and voices blend into a final harmony." Editors

4 "In the long run, the good triumphs over the evil."

5 "There is but one principle of all things."

6 "Our contemporaries aspire after a complete unity of all peoples: one world. They are quite right." Editors

7 "The whole world, from its beginning until its final term, has as its unique end the constitution of a holy Society, in view of which everything has been made, even the universe itself." Editors

8 "We ourselves can recognize in ourselves an image of God."

9 "Evil has no positive nature; what we call evil is merely the lack of something that is good."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite