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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Coming of the Cosmic Christ
Matthew Fox

1 "Hildegard of Bingen teaches that prayer is essentially the inhaling and exhaling of the one breath of the universe."

2 "Like fish in water and the water in the fish, creation is in God and God is in creation."

3 "The heartbeat of the Cosmic Christ fills the universe with overflowing love, binding all things together on earth and in heaven."

4 "Compassion is our universal heritage, our God-origin and our God-destiny. Compassion unites us, it forms the common 'field' that all creatures share."

5 "Our bodies are the temple that con-temples us with other temples, other bodies of the universe, bodies of stars, of suns, of earth, of winged, finned, four-legged and two-legged brothers and sisters, children all of a living God."

6 "Every creature is a ray of God, a radiance of God, a divine expression of God."

7 "All creatures are interdependent." Meister Eckhart

8 "Ours is a time of emerging awareness of the interconnectivity of all things."

9 "The creation of the world is not only a process which moves from God to humanity. God demands newness from humanity; God awaits the works of human freedom." Nicolas Berdyaev

10 "Even small experiences of creation, such as mustard seeds, contain the divine."

11 "Inside, outside, o friends, all one." Kabir

12 "Compassion is the 'keen awareness of the interdependence of all living things which are all part of one another and involved in one another,' as Thomas Merton observed."

13 "Divinity and we are co-creators, equally responsible one might say, for the survival of Mother Earth and for the kinds of personalities, relationships, lifestyles, politics, and economics that we birth."

14 "The whole is present in each part, in each level of existence. The living reality, which is total and unbroken and undivided, is in everything." David Bohm

15 "Humanity has the power and responsibility to increase the glory that is the divine presence in the cosmos."

16 "I foresee a renaissance, 'a rebirth based on a spiritual initiative', to use historian M. D. Chenu's definition, as the result of the outpouring of the Spirit. This new birth will cut through all cultures and all religions and indeed will draw forth the wisdom common to all vital mystical traditions in a global religious awakening I call 'deep ecumenism.'"

17 "The Cosmic Christ IS the 'pattern that connects' and connecting is what all wisdom is about, as the philosopher Gabriel Marcel points out: 'The true function of the sage is surely the function of linking together, of bringing into harmony….the sage is truly linked with the universe.'"

18 "Healing is still possible. This is the hope that the Cosmic Christ, wounded but resurrected, holds out to our times."

19 "This is, after all, what Jesus came to teach persons, is it not? We are all divine sons and daughters with divine dignity and responsibilities."

20 "Relation is the essence of everything that is." Meister Eckhart

21 "The Cosmic Christ – the 'pattern that connects' – can connect all persons in the context of the shared sacredness, the shared reverence and awe of our existence."

22 "Creativity is the fundamental law of the human psyche which constitutes a microcosm of the universe."

23 "Each self is a unique mirror of divinity and therefore each person births a unique creation when he or she lets the true self be born."

24 "The Cosmic Christ is a 'pattern that connects' proton and galaxy, human and neutron, human and supernovas. The Cosmic Christ assures us that nothing is trivial for nothing is unconnected to the whole. All is a source of awe, wonder, wisdom, and the presence of the divine."

25 "Beloved child, come swiftly to Me, for I am truly in you. Remember this: The smallest soul of all is still the daughter of the Creator." Mechtild of Magdeburg

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite