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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Coming of the Cosmic Christ
Matthew Fox

1 "The heartbeat of the Cosmic Christ fills the universe with overflowing love, binding all things together on earth and in heaven."

2 "Divinity and we are co-creators, equally responsible one might say, for the survival of Mother Earth and for the kinds of personalities, relationships, lifestyles, politics, and economics that we birth."

3 "All creatures are interdependent." Meister Eckhart

4 "The creation of the world is not only a process which moves from God to humanity. God demands newness from humanity; God awaits the works of human freedom." Nicolas Berdyaev

5 "To experience compassion and to identify with the suffering of others – as well as with their joy – is to experience the Divine One who suffers and rejoices in each person."

6 "The divine mystery and miracle of existence is laid bare in the unique existence of each atom, each galaxy, each tree, bird, fish, dog, flower, star, rock, and human."

7 "We need to worship in circles again, preferably on the soil of Mother Earth wherever possible. Circles invite all creatures to be part of the grateful event and they allow the humans present to look each other in the eye while rounding and connecting themselves in step with the universe."

8 "Like fish in water and the water in the fish, creation is in God and God is in creation."

9 "Every creature is a ray of God, a radiance of God, a divine expression of God."

10 "A river passes through many countries and each claims it for its own. But there is only one river." Sheikh Ragip Frager, 'Love is the Wine: Talks of a Sufi Master'

11 "It is Love that moves the universe."

12 "This is, after all, what Jesus came to teach persons, is it not? We are all divine sons and daughters with divine dignity and responsibilities."

13 "What is it we are always being told to behold in Jesus' parables? The divine presence everywhere."

14 "Even small experiences of creation, such as mustard seeds, contain the divine."

15 "The Cosmic Christ – the 'pattern that connects' – can connect all persons in the context of the shared sacredness, the shared reverence and awe of our existence."

16 "Inside, outside, o friends, all one." Kabir

17 "The whole is present in each part, in each level of existence. The living reality, which is total and unbroken and undivided, is in everything." David Bohm

18 "God is the dazzling light that constitutes the creative center of all life and movement. In that Point every 'where' and every 'when' are centered." Dante, 'The Divine Comedy', translated by Matthew Fox

19 "May we grant one another the opportunity to live out our dreams, to care for the wounded child in one another, and to pass on to others still unborn an earth as alive and diverse and wondrous as the one we have inherited."

20 "We are truly God's sons and daughters, images of the childhood of divinity."

21 "We have a responsibility to give back the cherished blessing of our lives with grace and gratitude. We must return blessing for blessing. Generativity and creativity have been built into the universe from the start."

22 "The Divine One is the 'One who is with us', Emmanuel, 'God with us.'"

23 "The Cosmic Christ is the crucified and suffering one in every creature, just as much as the Cosmic Christ is the radiant one, the divine glistening and glittering in every creature."

24 "The ancient and long obsolete idea of man as a microcosm contains a supreme psychological truth that has yet to be discovered." Jacobe and Hull, 'Jung'

25 "Each creature is a witness to God's power and omnipotence; and its beauty is a witness to the divine wisdom….Every creature participates in some ways in the likeness of the Divine Essence."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite