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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Child Within Us Lives!, A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics
William Samuel
This book explains the transcendence of divisions into the discovery of our original nature, the Child within.

1 "You were meant to understand the Truth from the beginning of time, whether you consider yourself religious or not, intelligent or not. Does a flower have enough intelligence to bloom? Actually, you understand already. There is something deep within all of us that knows already."

2 "As Awareness itself, we are Everyman."

3 "Light is here, unheralded and unnoticed, living us, supporting and warming us – the very spark of Being Itself. The Divine Child of us IS that Light, here and now."

4 "Mankind is the child of God."

5 "This Awareness-I-am (and the reader is) is the perception of the Divine Mind."

6 "Mind and its Self-awareness are one Mind being all knowing."

7 "All that is ever happening in the world is grand and good confirmation that God is here right now!"

8 "There is something good, for goodness sake, in everyone."

9 "A grand global harmony is just around the corner – the one the prophets spoke of wherein there is no more sighing, no more tears, no more fear."

10 "Matter is immersed within the Center of Godhead."

11 "There is a mystical truth in the saying about the 'web of interrelatedness': When a leaf falls to the earth, the universe is shaken. Just so, when one writes a single word, the universe is shaken."

12 "Man is, after all, made originally in the image and likeness of God."

13 "When the ancients said one's aim in life was to 'Know Thyself', they were exactly right."

14 "Every part contains information of the Whole."

15 "Our Original Identity is unbound by time or space."

16 "Religious ideas generally refer to the Same One, but have their own sets of proofs for validity."

17 "The wisdom about God that can be understood lies rooted in a knowledge of Identity, the Self made in the image of God."

18 "In the perfection of All, there isn't a single real evil. God is all and only."

19 "The Divine Child of you and the Divine Child of me is the same One, deep in the heart of God."

20 "Christ-in-linear-time came, as all luminaries, to confirm our own subjective Self-discovery."

21 "You see, the Child of God IS here – our real Identity, our Original Identity."

22 "When the seed first falls to the ground, it contains its own final flowering within itself."

23 "The 'real' of us knows in some marvelous way that only God is going on. The 'real' of us knows that the reality of this human experience is God's activity."

24 "The awareness that reads these words and seems to write them is God's knowing happening – and that 'happening' is confirmation of the One."

25 "The Ineffable, the Supernal One, Isness, Reality, Godhead, is the only possible Identity that actually exists and is, therefore, being this Awareness-I am here and now."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite