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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Child Within Us Lives!, A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics
William Samuel
This book explains the transcendence of divisions into the discovery of our original nature, the Child within.

1 "The world is being flooded with information that is certain to induce new modes of thought, if mankind is to survive the upheaval. The old things will certainly pass away. There will be a new heaven and earth to be seen with the eyes because it is here already unseen."

2 "The Original Christ Child of us is closer than fingers and toes, closer than breathing, waiting to be reacknowledged, called forth and rediscovered."

3 "Listen, listen: The Divine Child within can be found anywhere along the line at any moment."

4 "I am the beauty I see. I am the joy I see. I am the excitement and enthusiasm of everything I see – because, I can't recognize something unless I am it! It is Me! It is I! It is this holy Awareness of God I am."

5 "This Awareness-I-am (and the reader is) is the perception of the Divine Mind."

6 "Light is here, unheralded and unnoticed, living us, supporting and warming us – the very spark of Being Itself. The Divine Child of us IS that Light, here and now."

7 "The Divine Child is within us – the very Awareness that perceives the Nature of Godself, Itself."

8 "Every part contains information of the Whole."

9 "The intuitive knowledge of a primal Simplicity behind everything sparks the scientists's search as surely as the metaphysician's."

10 "When the seed first falls to the ground, it contains its own final flowering within itself."

11 "Every part of the part contains knowledge of the whole of the Whole."

12 "The Genuine Identity, the Soul of us, the Child of us, is that one unbound by time and space, residing in the heart of Godhead beyond Name and, simultaneously, everywhere – not unlike the simple photon which, moving at the speed of light, is virtually everywhere in space simultaneously. That is the genuine (and only) Identity (Image of God-Self) as God made it."

13 "Man is, after all, made originally in the image and likeness of God."

14 "Looking for the good in a situation allows us to call it by its right name. Dear reader, do you know what a marvel lies hidden in these words, a marvel that you can put to the test and see for yourself before this day is over?"

15 "Everyone, including the one who reads these words, is within myself/yourself-as-Awareness. This is self-evidently and undeniably true for each of us."

16 "We, Awareness, are not separate from God's Self-confirmation. For goodness sake, we ARE that event happening."

17 "God really is all in all."

18 "The Child within that sparks the life of each of us is God's own Self-awareness in the process of happening."

19 "Everything that is, exists within the mind of Godhead."

20 "The Heart KNOWS and, in the end, prevails."

21 "I look for the Good that is present. I expect to see it and then I see it! If this is too simple, I'm sorry; it is just that easy."

22 "In the perfection of All, there isn't a single real evil. God is all and only."

23 "All that is ever happening in the world is grand and good confirmation that God is here right now!"

24 "The Divine Child within has been with us since our time began in tangible space. The Inner Child has a perfectly balanced View….and knows how to act."

25 "As I be lifted into new glimpses of Light, the world I see is lifted likewise."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite