Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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| Quotes |
References |
1 |
"Every part contains information of the Whole."
2 |
"There is Good going on everywhere."
3 |
"God, the dynamism of the Universe, is an ongoing Essence, constantly revealing Itself as new marvels and new glories."
4 |
"As Awareness itself, we are Everyman."
5 |
"In the perfection of All, there isn't a single real evil. God is all and only."
6 |
"Since people are made in the image and likeness of God, to see good in them is to see God in them."
7 |
"Does the Eye at the top quarrel with the opposing views at the bottom? No. It understands the basis for the differences of opinion – and understands the holistic reasons for mankind's behavior."
8 |
"Everyone, including the one who reads these words, is within myself/yourself-as-Awareness. This is self-evidently and undeniably true for each of us."
9 |
"The Child within that sparks the life of each of us is God's own Self-awareness in the process of happening."
10 |
"There is always local confirmation of good at hand if we persistently look for it."
11 |
"As the Apostle [Paul] wrote, without love everything is lost."
12 |
"Everything is God."
13 |
"The Divine Child of you and the Divine Child of me is the same One, deep in the heart of God."
14 |
"God really is all in all."
15 |
"God is One and All."
16 |
"The world is being flooded with information that is certain to induce new modes of thought, if mankind is to survive the upheaval. The old things will certainly pass away. There will be a new heaven and earth to be seen with the eyes because it is here already unseen."
17 |
"The Heart KNOWS and, in the end, prevails."
18 |
"Be assured that your inner turmoil is not in vain; it is not for nothing;….it has been as necessary for you as it was for me – as it is to every small and large creature emerging from its self-spun darkness."
19 |
"Man is, after all, made originally in the image and likeness of God."
20 |
"When the ancients said one's aim in life was to 'Know Thyself', they were exactly right."
21 |
"The Divine Child of us has knowledge of the center Ground of religion, philosophy, metaphysics and science – already knowing all that needs to be known to make it through time."