Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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"You were meant to understand the Truth from the beginning of time, whether you consider yourself religious or not, intelligent or not. Does a flower have enough intelligence to bloom? Actually, you understand already. There is something deep within all of us that knows already."
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"As Awareness itself, we are Everyman."
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"Light is here, unheralded and unnoticed, living us, supporting and warming us – the very spark of Being Itself. The Divine Child of us IS that Light, here and now."
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"Mankind is the child of God."
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"This Awareness-I-am (and the reader is) is the perception of the Divine Mind."
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"Mind and its Self-awareness are one Mind being all knowing."
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"All that is ever happening in the world is grand and good confirmation that God is here right now!"
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"There is something good, for goodness sake, in everyone."
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"A grand global harmony is just around the corner – the one the prophets spoke of wherein there is no more sighing, no more tears, no more fear."
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"Matter is immersed within the Center of Godhead."
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"There is a mystical truth in the saying about the 'web of interrelatedness': When a leaf falls to the earth, the universe is shaken. Just so, when one writes a single word, the universe is shaken."
12 |
"Man is, after all, made originally in the image and likeness of God."
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"When the ancients said one's aim in life was to 'Know Thyself', they were exactly right."
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"Every part contains information of the Whole."
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"Our Original Identity is unbound by time or space."
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"Religious ideas generally refer to the Same One, but have their own sets of proofs for validity."
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"The wisdom about God that can be understood lies rooted in a knowledge of Identity, the Self made in the image of God."
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"In the perfection of All, there isn't a single real evil. God is all and only."
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"The Divine Child of you and the Divine Child of me is the same One, deep in the heart of God."
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"Christ-in-linear-time came, as all luminaries, to confirm our own subjective Self-discovery."
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"You see, the Child of God IS here – our real Identity, our Original Identity."