Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "God's presence is the innermost point of creation, and it is He who enlivens and sustains all existence." Eliezer Shore, 'The Heart of Ritual' | |
2 | "You who want knowledge, seek the Oneness within. There you will find the clear mirror already waiting." Hadewijch II, 13th century Beguine | |
3 | "The consciousness of the Divine is at the center of all human activity. Thus, at the heart of all loves is the love of God." Eliezer Shore, 'The Heart of Ritual' | |
4 | "The One recreates the entire world anew each second." Eliezer Shore, 'The Heart of Ritual' | |
5 | "Every detail of creation has the potential for infinite meaning, because the presence of the Infinite God is beneath the surface waiting to be revealed." Eliezer Shore, 'The Heart of Ritual' | |
6 | "The mandala form is universal and deeply fixed in our psyche." Jeanne Miles, American artist | |
7 | "Creation is like a rosebud with each petal gently enfolded in the next." Eliezer Shore, 'The Heart of Ritual' | |
8 | "I was passionate, filled with longing, I searched far and wide. But the day that the Truthful One found me, I was at home." Lal Ded, 14th century Kashmiri poet | |