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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Agartha: The Essential Guide to Personal Transformation in the New Era
Meredith L. Young
Channeled wisdom which affirms humanity's Divinity and its place in the One consciousness that unites all beings.

1 "A unique aspect of the human experience is the opportunity to piece together the many facets of one's evolving life pattern into a meaningful whole."

2 "The complete set of instructions for one's spiritual development is present at birth. One need only recognize this life-sustaining center, this spiritual matrix, as the basis upon which successful physical life is built."

3 "It is man's natural birthright to be one with the Creator of all things."

4 "Individually and collectively, maturity is gained only as each person reaches, through love, for recognition of his own living connection to all other living energies of the Universe."

5 "Earth has dynamic form, each aspect of which uniquely identifies its own existence as separate and yet as linked to all life."

6 "It is clear that the Universe is nudging us to seek more meaningful relationships based on the principle of oneness – one human family."

7 "Universal Energy projects love to all elements – be sensitive to this fact."

8 "This global family shares a common bonding of responsibility for life through a belief in a greater whole."

9 "When the human race willingly accepts its joint participation in the earthly experience, then there will be no more advantage taken, one of another. Then there will be mutual respect and understanding as each life force searches to further its own development through meaningful interaction."

10 "That which is eternal is the core of existence."

11 "Choices, there always seem to be choices. Life is indeed a series of unending choices, all of which more finely tune one's path."

12 "Man must work toward the areas of shared brotherhood, focusing on the similarities of spiritual pursuit rather than the differences."

13 "What all schools of wisdom and spirituality have taught us is true. All is one."

14 "The peoples of the world are indeed one with each other and all creative universal forces."

15 "Nature and man serve a common destiny: nurturing the Planet with love."

16 "The truth is that man is much more than just his physical presence. His expanded self is an alive and growing unit of life energy which is synonymous with God."

17 "I saw life moving as one. The earth, the stars, the sun all lived as scintillating replicas of an even more magnificent wholeness."

18 "God, the Isness, the Great Oneness of the Universe, is the collective presence of all things living, all evolving beings."

19 "Enlightenment, as a perception, is a clear vision of the perfectness of all things."

20 "Each organism and substance holds tenaciously to the fulfillment of its unique purpose."

21 "Every aspect of the planet moves toward creative fulfillment of its divine purpose."

22 "Whenever one seeks to know other forms of life in a sense of love and honor, meaningful interaction is experienced."

23 "God is the composite of all life-force energy, both the celestial forces and the internal forces of one's heart. God is the total living force of the Universe."

24 "All creatures of creation are working together to create the most perfect whole."

25 "Man is indeed God. His eventual path is always toward awareness of his own divinity, is always toward consciousness of his Godly nature."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite