Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "The Mind of the Universe is constantly speaking through all life and for the greater good of all life." | |
2 | "Never forget that every living thing has a particular and needed job to do in the universal Plan and Purpose." | |
3 | "All living things are individual instruments through which the Mind of the Universe thinks, speaks and acts. We are all interrelated in a common accord, a common purpose and a common good. We are members of a vast cosmic orchestra, in which each living instrument is essential to the complementary and harmonious playing of the whole." | |
4 | "The universal Presence, Power and Purpose is forever moving back of all things, in all things, and through all things." | |
5 | "Good is latent in every living thing, and simply needs to be called into active expression through the gracious application of respect, sympathetic understanding, gentleness and love." | |
6 | "If you would learn the secret of right relations, look only for the good, that is, the divine, in people and things, and leave all the rest to God." | |
7 | "As those illumined ancients pointed out long ago, all life is innately equipped to speak with all life whenever minds and hearts are properly attuned." | |
8 | "All life, regardless of its form, classification or reputation, will respond to genuine interest, respect, appreciation, admiration, affection, gentleness, courtesy, good manners." | |
9 | "The same universal Intelligence and Energy which animates and governs one form of life also animates and governs all other forms of life." | |
10 | "The Divinity within all life innately relates each of us to every other living thing, and every other living thing to us, in true kinship." | |
11 | "The great primary Principle of all life creates and animates all things and speaks wisdom through each one of them all the time." | |