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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "The center principle manifests itself through man in the same ways as it does through a flower or a star; in it we may discover our cosmic commonality – our cosmic community." Mandala (Jose and Miriam Arguelles)

2 "There is a saying in China that the nature of man is found there, in the center, where emotions are not yet manifest. In this center is the potentiality of everything to come." Lectures on the I Ching: Constancy and Change (Richard Wilhelm)

3 "Every point is equally the center of a circle whose radius is infinite." The Inner Life (Charles W. Leadbeater)

4 "We are the countless centres of one and the same sphere." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

5 "All of Chinese thinking – Confucianism, Taoism, as well as Buddhism – contains the idea that in the course of life, man will shape harmoniously those psychic and physical predispositions that he received as capital assets by unifying them and giving them form from within a center." Lectures on the I Ching: Constancy and Change (Richard Wilhelm)

6 "The hearth in the home, the altar in the temple, is the hub of the wheel of the earth, the womb of the Universal Mother whose fire is the fire of life." Hero With A Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell)

7 "Every point in the cosmos can be considered its centre." To Hear the Angels Sing (Dorothy Maclean)

8 "Actually there is no merging with the Center. We are always merged with the Center. It is rather an understanding of this eternal union now, and not a manufacture of it tomorrow." Spectrum of Consciousness (Ken Wilber)

9 "There is a Center to the personality that includes the whole Self….This whole Self is in each of us as a potentiality and seeks to be realized in the life process." The Kingdom Within, the Inner Meaning of Jesus' Sayings (John Sanford)

10 "From whichever point a Mandala is entered, a path opens that leads to the eternal center." Mandala (Jose and Miriam Arguelles)

11 "The invisible centre is Adam Kadmon, the Original Man." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

12 "Precisely because there exists in all beings a common centre, scattered and separable though they are in appearance, they meet together at a deeper level. The more they perfect themselves naturally and sanctify themselves in grace, the more they come together and fuse into one, within the single, unifying Centre to which they aspire: and we may call that Centre equally well the point upon which they converge, or the ambiance in which they float. All these reachings-out that draw beings together and unify them constitute the axis of all individual and collective life." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

13 "At the center, at the Source of our being, we find all others – for our Source is also their Source. We find that all others are one with us in coming forth from creative love." Centering Prayer, Renewing an Ancient Christian Prayer Form (M. Basil Pennington, O.C.S.O.)

14 "At the center of our Self, deep within our consciousness, is a calm 'I.' Like the calm 'eye' within a storm, our center is untouched by psychological turbulence. Peaceful, it observes all from the vantage of wisdom. Placid, it is unmoved by the turbulent weather of the surrounding psyche. When you're feeling connected with your center it seems very familiar. It feels like the Self you know best, like who and what you know your Self to be, calm in knowing without thinking. To be centered is not the same as being 'self-centered' or selfish. Instead, it is identity with the deep, divine power that motivates us." A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art & Science (Michael S. Schneider)

15 "In the process of evolution atoms themselves gravitate towards other and greater central points, becoming in their turn electrons. Thus, every form is but an aggregate of smaller lives." The Consciousness of the Atom (Alice A. Bailey)

16 "The centre is omnipresent; everything is contained in it; it is connected with the release of the whole process of creation." The Secret of the Golden Flower (Richard Wilhelm, translator)

17 "The symbology of philosophers, founders of religions and poets is wholly idealist and cosmic in direction, embracing all objects, seeking after the infinite and pointing to the mysteries of the mystical 'centre.'" A Dictionary of Symbols (J. E. Cirlot)

18 "In all symbols expressive of the mystic Centre, the intention is to reveal to Man the meaning of the primordial 'paradisal state' and to teach him to identify himself with the supreme principle of the universe. This centre is in effect Aristotle's 'unmoved mover'…Hindu doctrine declares that God resides in the centre, at that point where the radii of a wheel meet at its axis. In diagrams of the cosmos, the central space is always reserved for the Creator…Among the Chinese, the infinite being is frequently symbolized as a point of light with concentric circles spreading outwards from it." A Dictionary of Symbols (J. E. Cirlot)

19 "We enclose you in the sacred circle of life. We ask you all to join in the circle. We put all creation in the circle, especially what is broken and needs healing. We put all of you in the circle because we love all of you." Burton Pretty On Top, Crow (Native American) spiritual leader, to the Parliament of World Religions, 1993 The Quest (various)

20 "One aspect of the soul is always joined with the center of creation, and this is our eternal link with truth." God Is A Verb, Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism (Rabbi David A. Cooper)

21 "In both dreams and religion, the relation of the center to the mandala expresses the relation between the potential and the actual." Michael Flanagin, Ph.D., 'The Mandala in Jungian Psychotherapy' Mandala, Luminous Symbols for Healing (Judith Cornell, Ph.D.)

22 "Many paths lead to the central experience. But the nearer one gets to the centre the easier it is to understand the other paths that lead there." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

23 "Goodwill abides at the centre. This centre... is everywhere, and is hence, in a certain sense, to be found in all." Lamps of Western Mysticism (Arthur Edward Waite)

24 "Each monad is to some degree the centre of the entire Cosmos, resting upon and at the same time supporting its fabric." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

25 "Healing comes from the mystery at the center." Spiritual Pilgrims, Carl Jung & Teresa of Avila (John Welch, O. Carm.)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite